The Arvigo® techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage are a non-invasive method of correcting the position of abdominal organs that have shifted due to injury, time, and other causes, helping the body to restore it’s natural balance and energy. Developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN alongside traditional Maya healer Don Elijio Panti, these techniques work to restore the 5 systems of flow in the body (arterial, venous, lymphatic, nerve and chi), thereby increasing and optimizing organ function. Using gentle repositioning massage to guide reproductive and abdominal organs back to their proper position, Arvigo practitioners help to correct misalignment and remove pelvic and abdominal restrictions. Additionally, clients are taught home self-care massage, which empowers clients to continue and enhance the benefits gained with their practitioner.

There are many reasons these organs can become misaligned from pregnancy to injury, surgery or just time & gravity. Some of the symptoms the restrictions from misalignment can cause include painful menstraul cycles and ovulation, miscarriages, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, infertility issues, digestive disorders including IBS or GERD, chronic lower back pain, headaches/migraines, prostatitis or BPH. (For a full list of what Arvigo Therapy can treat, please visit the official site here). In other words, misalignment and decreased flow in our organs can impact us exponentially!

Typical Arvigo sessions include a comprehensive evaluation of past and present reproductive and digestive health. After consulting with your practitioner, you will receive an upper and lower abdominal hands on treatment focused on aligning organs to the optimal position, improving their circulation, providing the body’s inherent self-healing abilities. Clients also receive critical information and demonstration of home self-care massage so that they can continue the work on their own, a key to deepening the benefits and becoming more in tune with their own internal systems.

While every person is different, so it is impossible to say exactly how many sessions any one person may need to find relief from their symptoms, Arvigo sessions are designed to provide you the groundwork for routine self-care rather than becoming dependent on a long course of practitioner sessions. Many people find that the investment in just a few sessions beneficial and then transition to occasional maintenance visits.

If you are still unsure if Arvigo is right for you, please email us to schedule a complementary 10 minute phone consultation, or try our therapeutic massage/Arvigo combo session.

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